CPHQ Exam Sample Questions and Free Online CPHQ Training

Free CPHQ exam sample questions will be available from late July 2010. In addition, we give details of a lucky draw for free online CPHQ training.

A couple of days ago, I decided to introduce some fun things to our “work.” Not sure which will come first – the fun things or telling people about them – but, in either case, it’d surely make our firm a better place to work. As I often tell my people, “work” is meant to be fun!

“So… what’s in it for me to read this blog?”, you might ask.

Well, the truth is that you don’t have to read any of this stuff. But you might want to read our posts if you want to gain access to some valuable content.

For instance, we’ll start adding CPHQ exam sample/practice questions to the site next week. We’ll make a random selection of these questions available online – for free – next week. (Yes, another freebie on the way…)

Here’s a sample quiz (we have temporarily disabled the link to our sample quiz) to give you a feel of the quality and format of our online CPHQ exam practice questions.

This is what you have to do: If (and only if) you leave a comment below or at the end of any other article on this site, you will get at least 5 questions at no cost. As long as it isn’t non-sense, offensive, or spam, we’ll email a special link to 5 questions as soon as they become available next week.

We’ll give away up to 10 CPHQ exam sample questions if the comments are outstanding.

By adding your comments, we can all learn from the conversation. We really hate spam, so you can be certain we won’t be spamming you. To be sure, you only need to leave your name (a real one would be nice), your email address (never to be seen by other readers or shared with third parties) and your comment.

One comment for 5–10 questions. A fair deal, I think.

And here’s a bonus. Each comment you post on the site will give you an entry to a lucky draw for our Online CPHQ Training Course – all 15 weeks of training! – scheduled to kick off on December 1, 2010. More comments = more entries and, therefore, a better chance of winning.

The cost of the training hasn’t been fixed yet, but we think it will be around US$300. So that’s at least US$300 worth of training up for grabs!

Here’s to your CPHQ exam success!

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  1. Hi,
    Thanks for this update on the latest freebie on CPHQ.
    Kindly keep me in the loop and look forward to your upcoming articles.

    Keep up the good work!

    Kind regards,

    1. @Lucinda – Many thanks for your comment and encouragement! To get the latest articles and updates, you should consider subscribing to our RSS feed – click on the orange button at the top of this page, on the right. And keep those comments coming! As a token of our appreciation for your feedback, we’ll send you a link to some CPHQ exam sample questions in the next few days. Cheers, Andy

  2. Hi!!!
    I cant believe that i found a chance like that to get some free CPHQ questions to help me study for the exam.

    Thank you so much for your help 🙂

    1. @Ahmed – Thanks! In the last week, we’ve made quite a number of improvements to the functionality and look of the site, some of which were announced in our forums.

  3. I am very happy that the training will be available online. I hope it will accomodate all schedules (because I have a hardship) by allowing one to log in and play a re-recorded high quality video at any hour. This convenience will have enormous appeal to many out in the workforce or those of us with non-traditional schedules.

    1. @John – The online training that we have started developing will cater to those people with irregular and/or busy schedules – doctors, nurses, students, etc.

  4. I am going to take the CPHQ exam very soon, and came across your web site. This is very helpful to me and will be for all those involved in health care quality. Thank you!

    1. @Paulette – Welcome to our site! If you’d like to get news of our latest offerings to help you prepare for the CPHQ exam, you should consider signing up for our monthly newsletter or subscribing to our site. Both options are free of charge.

    1. @Nidal Mohammad Salman Faraj – We offer a variety of services to people planning to take the CPHQ exam, from exam preparedness assessment to practice quizzes and customized training. Our approach is predicated in the belief that healthcare professionals, no matter where they are practising in the world, can pass the CPHQ exam in an efficient and timely manner. By “efficient”, we mean achieving CPHQ status without excessive “study” – the vast majority of working professionals do not have the time or inclination to go through that trouble. The feedback given by some participants in a CPHQ training workshop we conducted in October 2010 gives a rare glimpse into how we train individuals to succeed in the exam. Even people with initial reservations have been sufficiently convinced that passing the exam is very possible (no matter who they are) after attending our training workshops. (Our exemplary track record also speaks for itself.) We emphasise studying smart, not hard, for the exam.

    1. @Mark – Thank you for your comment. It’s never too late to visit the site! We’ve sent you a link to some practice questions. All the best for the CPHQ exam!

    1. @Sherry Bonfardeci – You are most welcome! All the best for your CPHQ exam preparation. Do come back to check out our resources for CPHQ candidates – more will be rolled out in coming weeks.

  5. Thanks for this wonderful and specialized website. I tried to purchase your services but I had problems with the credit card paypal as I currently live in Egypt which is not on the list of the countries. I tried using my ATM (which also works as a credit card) but it didn’t go through!! Other than that I think it’s a wonderful site keep up the good work!!!

    1. @Mark Gonzales – Hi Mark, Thank you for your comments which are most welcomed. I’m sorry to hear about the problems you had with PayPal. I realise that people in some countries (Egypt being one of them) experience difficulty in making payments via PayPal. Certainly, online payment is one of the things we want to improve as we refurbish the site (the new site is due to be launched in less than 2 weeks). We do accept payments for the quizzes and monthly subscription service via Moneybookers but, unlike PayPal, this method hasn’t been terribly popular, probably because the Moneybookers system cannot be integrated seamlessly with our online services. There are other solutions besides PayPal on the market – we’re reviewing them to see how well they can serve the needs of our current and prospective customers.

  6. I am a Nigerian,living in Nigeria, i have been fascinated by the concept of health care quality,though fund for writing the CPHQ exam has delayed me i however has been following sites/journals that are interested in health care quality. we are far from it in my nation being a “resource poor region”(since other sectors are more important to my government than health),that was what led me to search the internet and for the past three weeks your site has been highly educative.thank you for being there for us…you cannot understand how much this means to me.

  7. Im planning to take the health care quality exam and came accross your site. Very informative and helpful. Thank you so much!

  8. Just came across your website in preparation for taking the CPHQ exam. I can’t wait to read all that you have available . Thanks in advance for helping us prepare!

  9. I am considering taking the exam, came across your site. I would appreciate any help with the preparation. Thank you kindly., iz

  10. I am currently a staff RN who is looking to branch out into a new path. Our hospital has a position open for a quality manager and they desire CPHQ certification within 12 months. Since I am in the exploration phase, resources such as this site answer so many questions! Thanks for information.

  11. Wow! I am so excited that I found your site. I sat for the CPHQ exam last week and did not pass. I was studying from old materials and did not realize they had revamped the exam for 2013. I am a RN working in QA now and have to get my certification. I certainly look forward to the freebies and lot of good current info! Thanks again!

    1. @Syed – We’ll be delighted to assist you in your preparation for the CPHQ exam. Check out our current CPHQ exam preparation offerings. As leaders in CPHQ exam preparation, we have worked hard to advance the science and art of helping healthcare professionals throughout the world earn their CPHQ credential. More than 3 years of research and development efforts in this area has culminated in the The CPHQ Formula, the world’s first fully-featured online CPHQ training program. We are very excited to announce that the The CPHQ Formula will be launched in less than 12 weeks – I encourage you to consider joining this program, which I think is an extremely cost-effective way to get yourself ready to pass ace the CPHQ exam. What’s more, we will be offering a generous opening promotion discount. Here’s to your success!

  12. I am a pharmacist, I am interested to be a CPHQ certified pharmacist , I think the field of pharmaceutical industry needs to apply the CPHQ standards.
    thank you for support.


    1. @Ahmed – The CPHQ credential will be an invaluable asset for your professional career. As a CPHQ, you will be better equipped to tackle the quality issues in pharmacy. You are welcome to use any of our CPHQ exam preparation products and services.

  13. thanks a lot for all your the best to help all who are interested in healthcare quality field specially in cphq exam. I hope you to support me with free cphq exam questions to help me pass my exam.

    1. @zainab alkamarony – Thanks for your interest in the CPHQ certification program. We’d be delighted to assist in your exam preparation. Our approach to preparing candidates for the CPHQ is customized to the individual. Please read this FAQ: “How can you help me pass the CPHQ exam?” to learn more.

    1. @zainab alkamarony – If you’re looking for a HUGE database of high-quality CPHQ exam practice questions, proven to help candidates to not only raise their test score but also PASS the CPHQ exam, you’re in luck – we launched CPHQ Tutor a few days ago. CPHQ Tutor has the world’s LARGEST and BEST CPHQ exam prep questions today. But it’s not free – to find out why, read this FAQ: “Can I become a member for free?”

      As with many other things, there is a trade-off in attempting to get “free” things for CPHQ exam preparation. If they are free plus useful, you would be extremely fortunate (and your best bet is still one of the Teh & Associates websites). Most of the time, “free” (as in free beer) comes with the risk of prolonging your CPHQ exam preparation (read: delaying when you will eventually get certified, and therefore when you can start enjoying a rewarding career) and/or, worse still, negatively affecting your ability to pass the CPHQ exam, which not only delays when you get certified – because you have to wait another 90 days to take the next exam – but also you’ve got to spend another $440! Considering the fact that most members need only 3 months’ membership (some subscribe for shorter periods, and some have been with us since we opened the membership site even after being certified years ago), the investment you make in terms of the membership fee is a great investment as insurance against (1) wasting your money on sitting the exam again, and (2) wasting time (doing whatever you do while waiting to take the CPHQ exam again).

      Most of our members appreciate the fact that once they pass the exam, their certification will allow them better career prospects, and the latter usually means more money. In other words, the “free” mentality can only get you so far. People who care about their future are prepared to make at least a small investment to improve their skills/knowledge, and the latter includes exam preparation. You need not purchase any of our services or products, but you should consider the relative value of all the services and products offered on the market. If they’re of any value, they’re not likely to be offered (legally) for free (obviously). And, seriously, you don’t want to be involved in illegal activity weeks/months before becoming CPHQ certified (again, for obvious reasons).

  14. I’m currently working in Quality Assurance Dept. in a JCi accredited hospital.
    Since I’m quite inspired by quality practices, I’m willing to sit for CPHQ exam. Can you please tell me its significance and prospects in my career ahead as a quality manager.
    Thank you

    1. @Dr. Sushant Gattani – The CPHQ credential is widely regarded as the worldwide “gold standard” in the healthcare quality management profession. Many, but not all, hospitals in the US require staff in quality management departments to be certified. This is not the case in hospitals outside the US, though I feel that the CPHQ credential does help to at least gain a job interview, particularly for senior positions, IF you have the necessary experience and skills. Of course, if you were a novice with only the CPHQ credential to speak of, you are not likely to be hired for any position anywhere in the world.

      Our training CPHQ exam preparation programs now incorporate a module to assist candidates get full leverage from the CPHQ status – we added this feature about two years ago in recognition of the fact that the CPHQ credential is merely the means, and not the end. Most people who seek our assistance to pass the CPHQ certifying exam actually want to progress in their career. Being a goal-oriented consulting firm, we will not only help candidates pass the exam (comfortably), but also give them other tools so that they reach their career goals.

  15. I plan to take the CPHQ exam in the near future. I am glad to find your website. I hope your offer of free sample questions is still available.

    1. @Hanna – The CPHQ Tutor membership site offers tremendous value, both in terms of price and effectiveness in helping to raise CPHQ candidates’ scores on the actual exam. Try our free (but very short) Sample Quiz (this link has been temporarily disabled).

  16. Can’t tell you how delighted I am to find this site. I’m preparing my wife for her exam. This came at just the right time. Now, I’m the HERO!

    Again, thank you so much for your help

    1. @morad – I cannot recommend any “online workshop” that adequately prepares CPHQ candidates for the exam. One of the features of our CPHQ exam preparation workshops is the high level of interaction (which online workshops cannot afford).

  17. @Waleed – I’d suggest you try some CPHQ exam practice questions to identify areas for improvement, which you can then hone in on. This might save you some time while preparing for the exam.

  18. thank you very much
    in the past few years I were not interested in quality but now after testing the quality indicator and consider it in health care , Im really interested and area of interest by chance is one of quality indicators

  19. Thank you. I just found your site and I am excited to follow it and about getting some assistance with my certification.

  20. Hey, thanks for providing this forum to help us cracking CPHQ exam.
    I would like to get the free sample questions and online training.

  21. Hello Andy Teh,
    It appears I am late to the party here, but glad to have discovered your website. I have been a CPHQ for a while and in the quality field, so decided I should put up or shut up. I have gone through preliminary steps to qualify as one of the question writers for CPHQ exam process. I have found even in reviewing sample and existing questions, that causes me to give pause and reflect on the implications of the questions and how I can integrate that information in my own work. That might provide others with another perspective in seeing successfully completing the CPHQ exam as the end of the journey. It need not, and if you are truly ‘into’ quality, it should not be the end, but an ongoing journey of improvement. Thanks for the site and definitely appreciated your ‘free beer’ analogy! -“Doc”

  22. Hello-
    Thank you so much for providing some practice questions! I am considering taking the test, but some “practice” questions would give me an idea if this is an angle I want to pursue.
    Thanks again.

    1. @d s chakravarthi – All our CPHQ Exam Preparation Workshops scheduled in 2016 have sold out. The 2017 schedule should be out late August or early September. I suggest you look out for the announcement on our website to secure a place (if you are still interested at the time) and to avoid disappointment. We conduct workshops throughout the world, but mainly in the US, where demand for our CPHQ exam prep services is highest. We provide consulting assistance in South Asia (e.g. India, Sri Lanka) from time to time, and travel there once or twice every year (sometimes more frequently) – we can arrange a workshop or two if there is sufficient demand.

  23. I’m preparing for the exam, and it’s really nice to find your website and excited about the information you provided!

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